Planning Commission



The purpose of the North Ogden City Planning Commission is to:

"Provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and to promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience and aesthetics of the city and its present and future inhabitants and business, to protect the tax base, secure economy and governmental expenditures, foster the states’ agricultural and other industries, protect both urban and non-urban development, to protect property values, and to govern uses, density, open spaces, structures, buildings, energy efficiency, light and air quality, transportation, and public alternative transportation, infrastructure, public facilities, vegetation, trees and landscaping." (Ord. 15-93 1, 1993: Ord dated 5/11/53 1-2, 1953)

The North Ogden City Planning Commission meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The meetings start at 6:00 p.m. All citizens and interested individuals and parties are invited to attend. There will be an opportunity for public comment in every regular meeting.

Eric Thomas

Eric Thomas
Planning Commission Chair

Brandon Mason

Brandon Mason
Planning Commission Vice Chair

Chad Bailey

Chad Bailey
Planning Commission Member

Nissa Green

Nissa Green
Planning Commission Member

Nicole Nancarrow

Nicole Nancarrow
Planning Commission Member

Cody Watson

Cody Watson
Planning Commission Member

Johnson Webb

Johnson Webb
Planning Commission Member