Culinary Water

Water faucet

The culinary water department is responsible for the city's culinary water infrastructure. This includes mainteance and monitoring of all wells, springs, reservoirs, fire hydrants, and meter systems.


Water Meter

You may notice that your water meter lid has a new look to it. The new lid has incorporated a MXU (Meter Transceiver Unit) which is an upgraded part to the Radio-Reading system that the City has been using for the past 12 years. We are asking the residents to take extra care around these new meter lids and be aware not to run lawn mowers over them, drive over them or otherwise put undue pressure on them. The MXU and lids are a very valuable, but expensive, tool to the water service that we provide to your home.

With a focus on customer service and efficiency through new water quality programs that will ensure a reliable drinking water supply for years to come. To maintain our commitment to you, we routinely collect and test water samples every step of the way – from the source waters right to your home – checking purity and identifying potential problems. We work with only state-certified laboratories to perform required testing to maintain our quality assurance program. Staffed by highly trained scientists and technicians, these labs have the latest, most sophisticated instruments, and can measure substances down to one part in a billion! We are committed to providing you with this information about your water supply, because customers who are well informed are our best allies in supporting improvements necessary to maintain the highest drinking water standards.