North Ogden City Water Conservation



Water conservation efforts are taking place throughout the state and North Ogden is no different. With water being provided by local springs, utilizing conservation tips ensures we maintain the water supply we have as well as minimizes wear and tear on the equipment used to provide water to those within city limits. 

The average Utah family uses approximately 300 gallons per day (gpd) in culinary water. Making small adjustments to the gallons per minute (gpm) used can add up over time. These habits don’t only result in savings for you, it’s also less wear and tear on culinary systems for the city.

How is water used in the home?

Toilet 45%     Showers 30%     Laundry 20%     Drinking/Cooking 5%




Did you notice higher than normal usage on your utility bill or receive a notice from us stating your home may have a leak? Several factors play into your water usage each month and can cause your bill to fluctuate. Here are some easy self-check questions to help determine why your bill may be high or we may have left a notice.

  • Did you have guests or extra laundry demands last month?
  • Do you see or hear water running or dripping from toilets, faucets or sinks?
  • Is there a silent leak in a toilet? Fixing old or leaky toilets can save 144 gpd or more. To check for leaks, put a few drops of food coloring in the tank. Wait 10-15 minutes. If the water in the bowl is now colored, you have a leak.
  • Have you had any repairs made in the last month? If so, did they use or release water in the process?
  • Did you wash the windows or cars last month?
  • Do you have new grass or plants?
  • Can you see any leaks in or around outdoor faucets, pipes or hoses?
  • Have you filled or drained your pool or hot tub recently?
  • Does the water level in the pool or hot tub drop more than 1/4 inch per week?
  • Do you have a water softener? Is it set to regenerate automatically? If your water softener is stuck in its regeneration mode, it could use up to 3 gallons per minute (totaling 4,320 gpd) on top of your regular water usage.


Once you have completed this self-check, if there is still no reasonable explanation for increased usage, contact the Culinary Water Department at 801-782-8111. Please have your self-check list available for reference when you call.



Ways to conserve on your culinary water usage
Emergency Water Declaration Rate Changes