Major Project: Water Works Park

Project Type:
Project Status: 
Approved and Inactive
Water Works Park
336 E Pleasant View Drive
North Ogden , UT 84414

This new park will be a destination park providing the North Ogden Community with exceptional facilities with activities for health, learning, and play!

The park will be accessible by the neighboring multi-use trail as well as vehicles. The park will be located directly adjacent to the city commercial district and the "Stump". This will be a new park facility in partnership with the neighboring property owner with a walking path, picnic tables, artesian well drinking fountains, and educational water experiences.

The educational water experiences seeks to emulate the dynamics that make creeks, ponds, and natural hydrological systems - providing children with the fun opportunity to experiment and discover. 

RAMP Funds will be utilized to help install the picnic table, benches, and the educational water experiences. The finds will also be used to install a safer road crossing and trail connection. 

Project cost estimate: $450,000.

Park design sketch
Water experience
water experience